![]() 這個評論是:雪碧HOC更換高輸出淋浴過濾器(數碼影音)
-短故事......如果你在匆忙- 簡短的故事,是我一直在使用這些過濾器超過15年,並與他們沒有任何問題。我沒有在含氯的水沒有這些安裝了一個淋浴。我用我的全世界這個原因(我是一個狂熱的旅行者)。以我的經驗這個產品效果很好。沒有怨言。更重要的是,我的兄弟誰擁有濕疹發現他的皮膚是更好的100%時,他使用這些過濾器(我借給他一把,他不會給它回來了!)。他的皮膚清除了,當他使用這個過濾器。下面是我的全面檢討,如果您想了解更多關於這些fiters將你感興趣,和周圍的帶淋浴的水,它們的使用等問題,該檢討的老式原文過濾器(其中,奇怪的是,仍有上出售亞馬遜,但沒有長期的雪碧網站)。我張貼的新風格的車型本次審查,因為實際的過濾器是一樣的。我也張貼在實際雪碧濾芯,所以一切都寫在這裡也同樣適用於有興趣的人。>>全部評論和信息<< --THE氯ISSUE-- 氯氣是一種已知的致癌物質。在谷歌和考研一個小小的研究,就會發現你。如果你檢查出這個產品,你很可能已經知道,氯氣是有毒的。據估計,約有80%的人平均從水中取中的氯是通過展示。所以,那些人避免氯在他們的飲用水因健康原因將是明智的使用淋浴過濾器。我使用Sprint的過濾器超過15年(不一樣的1 !!他們持續很長時間了,但不是說長!!我想)。我對氯非常敏感。我不能洗澡,例如,像洛杉磯的地方,因為他們很快衛生間聞起來像一個氣室我靈敏的鼻子。這個過濾器不會刪除氯氣。相反,它結合了氯的離子水平,有效neutralises它。--ABOUT KDF&CHLORGON濾清器MEDIA--(從約KDF網站粘貼)動態降解流體(KDF)是使用一個的高純度銅-鋅製劑稱為氧化還原(氧化/還原)的基本化學過程從供水去除氯,鉛,汞,鐵,和硫化氫。的過程中也有一個輕微的抗菌,algaecitic和fungicitic,效果,並且可以降低石灰垢的積累。該KDF氧 化還原過程的工作方式與污染物交換電子。這種“讓一步”的電子轉換許多污染物轉化成無害的成分。在這個反應中,電子被分子之間轉移,並創建新的化合物。一些有害的污染物變成無害的成分。游離氯,例如,被改變為良性的,水溶性的氯化物鹽,然後將其通過供水進行無害。許多重金屬如銅,鉛,汞和其他人,反應並鍵與KDF介質的表面上,因此被有效地從供水除去。KDF工藝介質將減少或去除氯,鐵,硫化氫,鉛,汞,鎂和鉻,並且可以抑制細菌,藻類和真菌的生長。氧化還原媒介除去高達98%的鉛,汞,銅,鎳,鉻,和其它溶解的金屬的水溶性陽離子(帶正電荷的離子)。雖然移除速率取決於許多因素,在98%以上的氯由KDF家用水處理系統去除(90%,在淋浴水過濾器,由於高流速)。隨著雪碧過濾被叫Chlorgon物質也包括在所述KDF介質,以增加的溫度範圍有效地除去氯。--THE優點我NOTICE-- 此淋浴濾波器從精靈工業做出了十分顯著的差異,以氯的水平(和相關的有毒氣體,如氯仿)中的浴室氛圍。我得到了我的第一個12年前,當我移動到新西蘭是在和農場動物徑流進入他們的水供應問題的一個小鎮。它們暫時的解決辦法是,大大提高了氯處理中的水的水位。聞如此強大剛洗完我手中的水是一個完整的關斷。我安裝了一個過濾器,問題得到了解決。洗澡的時候沒有更多的有毒氯氣的氣味。我去過很多地方,我把這些過濾器之一,我的每一個地方。我安裝過的地方我去,需要使用淋浴。它通常是很容易刪除現有的淋浴頭的手,和螺釘這一個上。我不覺得水暖磁帶是必要的。我的頭髮是更好的,當我使用過濾水,需要洗一洗較少。我的皮膚也不會乾燥,當我使用過濾水。否則,我往往會得到乾燥的小腿我,手肘,膝蓋和臉部。我用我的陣雨此過濾器時不會遇到此。我哥哥有非常敏感的皮膚。他傾向於讓濕疹。他的皮膚很容易變得紅,皮薄,壞了,癢。這個問題基本上是走了後,我給了他這些淋浴過濾器之一。他簡直不敢相信他已經受了這麼多了這麼多年,得到的答复是如此廉價和簡單。--TIPS和TRICKS-- 許多現代化的淋浴有一個軟管,它從牆上淋浴頭,它位於一個可調節的支架。這個想法是,你可以用手將它抬離支架和淋浴間如你所願。然而,通常,在那裡軟管螺釘插入牆壁上的嵌合過於靠近壁用於淋浴濾波器擰英寸可以執行的操作是擰手持件關閉軟管的另一端的,並把所述濾波器上軟管端部和手持件之間。由於這樣的走線,過濾器將圍繞與平時相反的方向,這是很好的過濾器是雙向的,這招也是行之有效的,如果淋浴高於浴缸,你希望有一個氯-免費洗澡。您可以按照上面的說明安裝過濾器,但剛剛離開過噴頭(或把它關閉)當你想洗澡。淋浴軟管可以吊著下到浴池管並填寫(假設它是在足夠低的高度,這是他們平時都是鉗工)。如果你要採取這個過濾器與你同行,我建議採取一個小扳手/扳手或副攥著你。我有時碰到淋浴噴頭,我不能用我的赤手取出。試圖找到在當下扳手可以幾乎不可能,或者至少是一個滋擾。一個這樣的人應該做的伎倆:副握4WR 4英寸弧形顎鎖鉗用線切割機或新月扳手4英寸(我假設將打開足夠寬,我個人使用一個副握,因為它也均勻。如果淋浴配件螺母有一個圓形的風格吧。--ALTERNATIVE選項- 我一直很滿意的雪碧過濾器的性能,我從來沒有過的傾向嘗試其他任何品牌或類型。我有研究所有主要種類的擺在那裡,並沒有說服我改變 的雪碧是最符合成本效益,並且被評為具有優異的成績。在最近幾個月因為我已經看了市場上的其他淋浴過濾器。這站的替代品出是用花灑調節阿誇莎娜AQ-4100豪華淋浴的水過濾系統和Rainshow'r KDF過濾 淋浴帶按摩花灑,兩者比雪碧更加昂貴,並且都只能用淋浴噴頭購買包括(據我可以告訴)。這些其他的過濾器花費更多。只需更換墨盒的阿誇莎娜可以4,000 +。他們是更好嗎?我真的不能說,因為我沒有使用過任何東西,但雪碧,但肯定值得研究的。-其他SPRITE OPTIONS - 雪碧做了一些淋浴過濾器。高輸出(HO)模型是最近(2011年或2012年在猜測)更新,有一個更具吸引力的流線型外觀。亞馬遜房源似乎從較新的交換機周圍的舊模式。它變得有點混亂。這裡是新的外觀模型的例子(根據圖片):用按摩花灑雪碧高輸出氯淋浴過濾器。舊的風格(我有)是這樣的:雪碧HO-WH-M通用淋浴過濾器和3設置淋浴頭,白色。我不知道為什麼他們老式的模式仍然在售在亞馬遜。雪碧沒有描繪他們在他們的網站上,至少在一年以上。雪碧也使被內置在淋浴頭過濾器。我認為他們有更低的出水量,因為一個我檢討(和使用)被稱為高輸出。我會說這有較低的水輸出,因為濾芯小(它必須適合淋浴頭)。如果你有一個現代化的淋浴和外表對你很重要,你可能會喜歡這些新的所有功能於一身的單位。舉例如下:雪碧ARS5-CM皇家所有在一個按摩淋浴過濾器的Chrome,以及雪碧S1ARS5CT皇家所有在一個氯氣刪除過濾調節噴霧鍍鉻裝飾花灑,鍍鉻。環顧四周,在亞馬遜的全系列。他們也有模型,配備了手柄,並且過濾器內置手柄。如:雪碧皇家豪華手持鍍鉻去除氯淋浴過濾器。同樣,也有幾個選項,所以做在亞馬遜搜索。到底哪個雪碧模型篩選你買將主要依賴於現有的淋浴頭型。我只用了雪碧高輸出模式。-你需要洗澡的負責人也?要考慮的事情- 。您正在尋找該產品配備了一個過濾器PLUS高效淋浴噴頭讓淋浴頭選項(您正在尋找的產品)的好處是,如果您的旅行,你會發現它是有用的有過濾器和淋浴頭。我覺得它比很多的淋浴噴頭我遇到更好的輸出。這是特別明顯的,如果水的壓力比較低,在這種情況下,高效率的淋浴頭將使它似乎像中的壓力是要強得多。它也更環保,因為你會洗澡時節約用水。就個人而言,我會得到它只是單獨的原因,但我為最大限度地減少對環境和自然資源我的影響。但是,如果你只打算使用此過濾器在你的房子,你已經知道你要保持你現有的淋浴頭,實在沒有可預見的理由有淋浴頭買它。你可以買它沒有淋浴噴頭位置:雪碧HO-WH高輸出白色淋浴過濾器,打磨白,鉻,金還不能確定?當時我寫這個,價格相差很小(不到5美元),因此,如果您覺得有可能需要任何機會或想要高效率的淋浴噴頭,那麼我建議你繼續前進,得到它。- -THE CARTRIDGES-- 我發現,過濾器濾芯我持續更長的時間超過一年,因為它僅僅是我,用它我的夥伴,我的淋浴相對較短,只有每隔一天左右。他們可以持續我幾年前,我發現了氯臭味返回。更換墨盒也相對便宜。這裡有一個例子:雪碧濾芯更換型號HOC對於高輸出濾波器頭-只是13.56美元外加免費送貨總理當時我寫這個。--WATER壓力- ?根據我的經驗,已經用這個在許多陣雨各地世界(我對旅行),該過濾器不會產生水壓任何顯著變化。TIP:如果水壓非常高,最好是實際上沒有把淋浴壓力十足。如果壓力過高,你會得到表現從該下降(以及任何其他)淋浴濾波器。設定壓力的水平,仍然是令人愉快的,但不是爆了-如果你想最大限度地去除氯量-四STARS,ROOM FOR IMPROVEMENT-- 我給留下一星級關閉此檢討僅僅是因為這款產品並沒有在過去的12年變化,我認為有改進的餘地。最顯著的是將包括一個方便的方式,它在安裝時在過濾器上進行記錄,並且因此,當它“可能”需要更換。更好,將是一個小的內置(重置)流量計或某種方式,以指示需要更換時。不過,我知道,這樣的創新可能會增加價格,但它也將確保我們得到的過濾器最大使用量和最小接觸氯氣一旦需要更換。4.5星- UPDATE:在光的事實,雪碧已經出來了一個更精簡的設計,為HO淋浴過濾器,我會給產品的4.5星級。這個評論最初是為老式過濾器寫的,我提交到較新的風格,因為他們實際的過濾器是一樣的。--PATHOGENS,一個問題?- (添加,以應對在檢討我寫這個產品沒有淋浴噴頭的意見討論中提出的問題)一個人提出的問題(在評論)此過濾器在水中的病原體不斷增加的基礎上,不準確想法,與KDF去除/使其變成無害的氯會導致建立病原體在淋浴頭。這是一個很好的點來解決。下面是我在答复共享信息:即使KDF沒有做任何修改病原體水平在水中,它不會直接導致 增加等病原體,如你建議。但是,因為它代表,KDF實際上將殺死大多數致病菌。碳塊的飲用水過濾一些廠商實際上將填補中央管與KDF顆粒,這些圓柱形過濾器。一方面是因為KDF有助於去除氯等,而且還因為它會大大增加可用壽命的碳過濾器。碳過濾器的一個主要問題問題飲用水是,隨著時間的推移,他們可以成為細菌和病原體的溫床,可能使水更差(從致病性的角度來看),而不是更好。KDF的過濾納入有助於防止或消除這個問題。還有一點我沒有指出在我的檢討是KDF媒體也將殺死細菌,真菌,病毒等,這也將減少重金屬(不是一個真正的問題洗澡),並且也將減少硫化氫(通常即使飲用無害的,但是什麼讓一些水源略有臭雞蛋氣味),這裡有一個Blurb的在KDF從一個生產這種材料的:“KDF過程中媒體的工作,以減少或去除氯,鐵,硫化氫,鉛,汞,碳酸鈣,鎂,鉻,細菌,藻類和真菌。KDF介質交換電子與污染物,將它們轉變成無害成分。在他們的反應,電子被分子和之間傳送新元素被創建。“ “KDF介質控制積聚細菌,藻類和真菌中的有機基介質如活性炭過濾器和在線碳過濾器,延長了碳的壽命以及保護下游反滲透膜和離子交換樹脂形式結垢。由直接的電化學接觸,並通過羥基自由基和過氧化氫,這兩者的干擾的微生物發揮作用的能力的閃速形成KDF過程媒體殺細菌“。--- 我相信這清除了任何混淆本。煤礦在科羅拉多州的一個朋友寫了一本很多年前叫不要喝水(不讀這本書)的基本指南,以我們的污染的飲用水,什麼事都能做的。我強烈建議閱讀它。他是一個誰把我拉到KDF大約12年前。雖然我用雪碧過濾器自90年代中期一直,但並沒有真正理解KDF的插件和奏,並在雪碧過濾器放置在做自己的工作角色。快樂的沐浴!-喬納森 傳統的自然療法,和的指南,以自我賦權,內心的平靜,和精神上的啟迪:和平,權力和存在的作者>>要看到整體的書,超級食品,營養的產品,和其他的健康,生活和自我保健品更多的評論,支票我的亞馬遜個人資料頁面。
Customer Review
19 of 21 people found the following review helpful
![]() This review is from: Sprite HOC Replacement High Output Shower Filter (Tools & Home Improvement)
The short story is that I've been using these filters for over 15 years and have no issues with them. I don't shower in chlorinated water without one of these installed. I take mine all over the world for this reason (I am an avid traveller). In my experience this product works well. No complaints. What's more, my brother who has eczema finds his skin is 100% better when he uses these filters (I loaned him one and he wouldn't give it back!). His skin clears up when he uses this filter. Below is my full review which will interest you if you wish to learn more about these fiters, and surrounding issues with shower water, their usage, etc. This review was originally written for the older style filter (which, oddly, are still for sale on Amazon, yet no long on the Sprite web site). I am posting this review on the newer style models since the actual filter is the same. I am also posting it on the actual Sprite filter cartridges, so everything written here is equally applicable to people interested in those. >> THE FULL REVIEW AND INFORMATION << --THE CHLORINE ISSUE-- Chlorine is a known carcinogen. A little research on Google and PubMed will reveal that to you. If you're checking out this product, you most likely already know that chlorine is toxic. It is estimated that about 80% of the chlorine the average person takes in from water is via showing. So those people avoiding chlorine in their drinking water for health reasons would be wise to use a shower filter. I've been using the Sprint filter for over 15 years (not the same one!! They last a long time, but not that long!! I wish). I am very sensitive to chlorine. I can't shower, for instance, in places like L.A. because they bathroom soon smells like a gas chamber to my sensitive nose. This filter does not remove the chorine. Rather it binds the chlorine at an ionic level and effectively neutralises it. --ABOUT KDF & CHLORGON FILTER MEDIA-- (pasted from a website about KDF) Kinetic Degradation Fluxion (KDF) is a high-purity copper-zinc formulation that uses a basic chemical process known as redox (oxidation/reduction) to remove chlorine, lead, mercury, iron, and hydrogen sulfide from water supplies. The process also has a mild anti-bacterial, algaecitic, and fungicitic, effect and may reduce the accumulation of lime scale. The KDF redox process works by exchanging electrons with contaminants. This "give and take" of electrons converts many contaminants into harmless components. During this reaction, electrons are transferred between molecules, and new compounds are created. Some harmful contaminants are changed into harmless components. Free chlorine, for instance, is changed into benign, water-soluble chloride salt, which is then carried harmlessly through the water supply. Many heavy metals such as copper, lead, mercury and others, react and bond with the KDF medium's surface, thus being effectively removed from the water supply. KDF process media will reduce or remove chlorine, iron, hydrogen sulfide, lead, mercury, magnesium, and chromium, and may inhibit the growth of bacteria, algae, and fungi. Redox media remove up to 98% of water-soluble cations (positively-charged ions) of lead, mercury, copper, nickel, chromium, and other dissolved metals. While removal rates depend on a number of factors, more than 98% of chlorine is removed by KDF in home water treatment systems (90% in shower water filters due to high flow rate). With Sprite filters a substance called Chlorgon is also included in the KDF media, to increase the temperature range for effective chlorine removal. --THE BENEFITS I NOTICE-- This shower filter from Sprite Industries makes a very noticeable difference to the levels of chlorine (and related toxic gases, such as chloroform) in the bathroom atmosphere. I got my first one 12 years ago when I moved to a town in New Zealand that was having issues with farm animal run-off getting into their water supply. They temporary solution was to greatly increase the level of chlorine treatment in the water. The water smelt so strong just washing my hands was a complete turn-off. I installed one of these filters and the problem was solved. No more toxic chlorine smell when showering. I travel a lot and I take one of these filters with me every where. I install it where ever I go and need use a shower. It is usually very easy to remove the existing shower-head by hand, and screw this one on. I don't find that plumbing tape is necessary. My hair is nicer when I use filter water, and needs washing less often. My skin does not get dry when I use filtered water. Otherwise I tend to get dryness on my shins, elbows, knees, and face. I don't experience this when using this filter for my showers. My brother has very sensitive skin. He tends to get eczema. His skin easily gets red, thin, broken, and itchy. This problems essentially went away after I gave him one of these shower filters. He couldn't believe he had suffered so much for so many years, and the answer was so cheap and simple. --TIPS and TRICKS-- Many modern showers have a hose that goes from the wall to a shower head that sits in an adjustable bracket. The idea being that you can lift it off the bracket by hand and shower any way you like. Usually, however, where the hose screws into the fitting on the wall is too close to the wall for the shower filter to screw in. What you can do is screw the hand piece off of the other end of the hose and put the filter on between the hose end and the hand-piece. Due to the way the threads go, the filter will be around the opposite way from usual, which is fine as the filter is bi-directional. This trick also works well if the shower is above a bath tub and you wish to have a chlorine-free bath. You can install the filter as described above, but just leave off the shower head (or take it off) when you want a bath. The shower hose can dangle down into the bath tube and fill it (assuming it is fitter at a low enough height, which they usually are). If you are going to take this filter with you travelling I recommend taking a small adjustable spanner/wrench or vice-grip with you. I've sometimes come across shower heads that I can not remove with my bare hands. Trying to find a wrench in the moment can be next to impossible, or at least a nuisance. One like this one should do the trick: Vice Grip 4WR 4-Inch Curved Jaw Locking Pliers with Wire Cutter or Crescent Adjustable Wrench 4 Inch (I am assuming that'll open wide enough. I personally use a Vice-grip as it well even if the shower fitting nut has a rounded style to it. --ALTERNATIVE OPTIONS-- I've been so happy with the performance of the Sprite filters, that I've never had the inclination to try any other brand or type. I have researched all the major kinds out there, and none convinced me to change. The Sprite was the most cost effective, and gets rated as having excellent results. In recent months I have since looked at other shower filters on the market. The alternatives which stand out are the Aquasana AQ-4100 Deluxe Shower Water Filter System with Adjustable Showerhead and the Rainshow'r KDF Shower Filter With Massage Shower Head. Both are more expensive than the Sprite, and both can only be purchased with a shower head included (as far as I can tell). These other filters cost a lot more. Just the replacement cartridge for the Aquasana can be $40+. Are they any better? I can't really say, as I have not used anything but the Sprite, but certainly worth looking into. -- OTHER SPRITE OPTIONS -- Sprite make a number of shower filters. The high output (HO) model was recently (in 2011 or 2012 at a guess) updated to have a more attractive streamlined look. The listings on Amazon seem to switch around from the newer to the older model. It gets a bit confusing. Here is an example of the newer look model (according to the picture): Sprite High Output Chlorine Shower Filter with Massaging Shower Head. The older style (which I have) is this one: Sprite HO-WH-M Universal Shower Filter and 3 Setting Shower Head, White. I am not sure why they older style model is still for sale on Amazon. Sprite have not depicted them on their web site for at least a year or more. Sprite also make filters that are built right into a shower head. I assume they have lower water output, because the one I am reviewing (and use) is referred to as High Output. I would say it has lower water output because the filter cartridge is small (it has to fit into a shower head). If you have a modern shower and looks are important to you, you may prefer these newer all-in-one units. Examples are: Sprite ARS5-CM Royale All In One Massage Shower Filter Chrome, and Sprite S1ARS5CT Royale All In One Chlorine Removing Filtered Adjustable Spray Chrome Trim Shower Head, Chrome. Look around on Amazon for the full range. They also have models that come with a handle, and the filter is built into the handle. Such as: Sprite Royale Deluxe Hand Held Chrome Chlorine Removing Shower Filter. Again, there are a few options, so do a search on Amazon. Exactly which model of Sprite filter you buy will depend mostly on your existing shower head type. I have only used the Sprite High Output model. -- DO YOU NEED THE SHOWER HEAD ALSO? SOMETHING TO CONSIDER -- The product you are looking at comes with a filter PLUS a high efficiency shower head. The advantage of getting the shower head option (the product you are looking at) is that if you travel you may find where it is useful to have the filter AND the shower head. I find it has better output than many of the shower heads I come across. This is especially noticeable if the water pressure is relatively low, in which case the high efficiency shower head will make it seem like the pressure is MUCH stronger. It's also more environmentally friendly, because you will use less water when showering. Personally, I would get it just for that reason alone, but I am into minimising my impact on our environment and natural resources. HOWEVER, if you only intend to use this filter in your house AND you already know you want to keep your EXISTING shower head, there is really no foreseeable reason to buy it with a shower head. You can buy it without the shower head here: Sprite HO-WH High Output White Shower Filter, Polished White, Chrome, Gold STILL NOT SURE? At the time I am writing this, the price difference is minimal (less than $5), so if you think there is ANY chance you might need or want the high efficiency shower head then I'd suggest you go ahead and get it. --THE CARTRIDGES-- I find that the filter cartridge lasts me much longer than a year because it is just me and my partner using it, and my showers are relatively short and only every second day or so. They can last me for a couple of years before I notice the chlorine smell returning. Replacement cartridges are relatively cheap. Here's an example: Sprite Filter Cartridge Replacement Model HOC For High-Output Filter Heads -- just $13.56 plus free Prime shipping at the time I am writing this. --WATER PRESSURE?-- In my experience, having used this on MANY showers around the world (I travel with on), this filter does not create any noticeable change in water pressure. TIP: If the water pressure is very high, it is advisable to actually not put the shower pressure on full. If the pressure is too high you will get decreased performance from this (and any other) shower filter. Set the pressure at a level that is still enjoyable, but not blasting out -- if you wish to maximise the amount of chlorine removal. --FOUR STARS, ROOM FOR IMPROVEMENT-- I gave have left one star off of this review simply because this product has not changed in the past 12 years and I think there is room for improvement. The most notable would be to include a convenient way to record on the filter when it was installed, and thus when it "might" need to be replaced. Better, would be a small built-in (resettable) flow meter or some way to indicate when it needs to be replaced. I realise, however, such an innovation may increase the price, but it would also ensure we get maximum usage of the filter, and minimum exposure to chlorine once it needs replacing. 4.5 stars - UPDATE: In light of the fact Sprite has come out with a more streamlined design for the HO shower filter, I would give the product 4.5 stars. This review was originally written for the older style filter, and I am submitting it to the newer style since they actual filter is the same. --PATHOGENS, AN ISSUE ?? -- (Added, in response to a question raised in the comments discussion on the review I wrote of this product WITHOUT the shower head) One person raised concerns (in the comments) about this filter increasing pathogens in the water, based on the inaccurate idea that removing/rendering harmless the chlorine with KDF will result in a built up of pathogens in the shower head. This is a good point to address. Here is the information I shared in my reply: Even if KDF did nothing to modify pathogen levels in the water, it is not going to directly result in an increase in such pathogens, as you have suggested. But, as it stands, KDF will actually kill most pathogens. Some manufacturers of carbon block drinking water filters will actually fill the central tube in these cylinder shaped filters with KDF granules. Partly because KDF helps with chlorine removal, etc., but ALSO because it will greatly increase the usable life-span of the carbon filter. A major issue issue with carbon filters for drinking water is that over time they can become a breeding ground of bacteria and pathogens, potentially making the water worse (from a pathogenic perspective) rather than better. Inclusion of KDF in the filter helps prevent or eliminate this issue. Something I did not point out in my review is that KDF media will also kill bacteria, fungi, virus, etc. It will also reduce heavy metals (not really an issue for showering), and will also reduce hydrogen sulfide (usually harmless even for drinking, but is what gives some water sources a slight rotten egg smell). Here's a blurb on KDF from one of the manufactures of this material: "KDF process media work to reduce or remove chlorine, iron, hydrogen sulfide, lead, mercury, calcium carbonate, magnesium, chromium, bacteria, algae, and fungi. KDF media exchange electrons with contaminants, changing them into harmless components. During their reactions, electrons are transferred between molecules and new elements are created." "KDF media control the build-up of bacteria, algae and fungi in organic based media such as GAC filters and in-line carbon filters, extending the life of the carbon as well as protecting downstream RO membranes and ion exchange resins form fouling. KDF process media kill bacteria by direct electrochemical contact and by the flash formation of hydroxyl radicals and hydrogen peroxide, both of which interfere with a microorganism's ability to function." --- I trust this clears up any confusion about this. A friend of mine in Colorado wrote a book many years ago called Don't Drink The Water (without reading this book): The essential Guide to Our Contaminated Drinking Water and What You Can Do About It. I highly recommend reading it. He was the one who put me onto KDF about 12 years ago. Although I've been using the Sprite filter since the mid 1990's, but didn't really understand the ins-and-outs of KDF and the role it place in the Sprite filter doing its job. Happy showering! - Jonathan Traditional Naturopath, and author of Peace, Power, and Presence: A guide to Self Empowerment, Inner Peace, and Spiritual Enlightenment |