Sprite HOB-CM在Amazon的評價與見證:Amazon評價連結
如果您認同洗澡必須除氯過濾,那Sprite HOB-CM會是您的最佳選擇。
Customer Review
該過濾器做一切的如潮好評曾我希望的。我剛剛買了一個老式的家庭與原來的鍍鋅管,經過多年在我以前家裡用軟水,我第幾陣驟雨這裡是苦不堪言。我的頭髮是沉悶-其實覺得骯髒-和之後幹的,我也沒有辦法吧。我甚至自我意識有關我的男朋友為之動容。它只是沒有感覺或看起來很乾淨,柔軟的像往常一樣。昂貴的空調沒有幫助。他們只是使它感到沉重。第一淋浴此過濾器安裝感覺好多了,我的頭髮明顯的改善的時候了。一個星期它洗澡後,我的頭髮是一樣的柔軟和光澤,因為它曾被使用軟化水,除此之外,單位是令人難以置信的堅實和良好建造。我相信這將遠遠拖垮新的噴頭 我買了。給你一個建議:我有一個水管工取代我的花灑臂,以更好地適應這種過濾器。一個我以前很長,延長幾英寸距離牆壁和向下。加入此過濾器並把整個裝配太低,我和笨拙太靠前進入淋浴空間。新的花灑臂很短,所以我的淋浴噴頭,現在完全定位,即使本機的組裝。非常值得的麻煩,因為我想我會用此過濾器一段時間來進行淋浴。
26 of 27 people found the following review helpful
Was missing my water softener, until this filter came along, May 27, 2011
Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: Sprite All Brass High Output Chrome Chlorine Removing Shower Filter (Health and Beauty)
This filter does everything the glowing reviews had me hoping for. I just bought an older home with original galvanized pipes, and after years of using a water softener in my previous home, my first few showers here were miserable. My hair was dull--actually felt dirty--and after it dried, I could do nothing with it. I was even self conscious about my boyfriend touching it. It just didn't feel or look clean and soft like usual. Expensive conditioners didn't help. They just made it feel heavier.
The first shower with this filter installed felt better, and my hair definitely improved right away. After a week of showering with it, my hair is just as soft and shiny as it ever was using softened water. Beyond this, the unit is incredibly solid and well built. I'm confident it will far outlast the new showerhead I bought. One tip: I had a plumber replace my shower arm to better accommodate this filter. The one I had previously was long, extending several inches away from the wall and down. Adding this filter did put the whole assembly too low for me and awkwardly too far forward into the shower space. The new shower arm is quite short, so my shower head is now perfectly positioned, even with this unit in the assembly. Well worth the trouble, as I think I'll be showering with this filter for some time to come. |
從那時起,我停了下來,直接從我的自來水飲用水通過購買去除氯飲用水過濾系統。當時我並不擔心淋浴或浴缸的水影響了我的不利,直到我一直與幹性皮膚問題,在過去的幾年中,最近懷疑有一些是由於氯含量在我洗澡的水。它是時候,看看是否有可能在水里我洗澡能糾正皮膚乾燥問題的變化。我研究,發現該過濾器,似乎符合標準,我所期待的。我下令在亞馬遜幾天後收到。非常容易安裝BTW,它確實改變了淋浴的人體工程學咯。結果會根據你的淋浴設置了各不相同,但在我的情況很值得的細微變化。此外,根據你願意做,你可以,因為它是用較短或修改淋浴器彎頭安裝前進行設置了相同的。我可以這樣做,最終,但它不是對我來說是很大的問題,現在,我已經使用這個剛剛超過4週。我沒有看到任何明顯的區別向右走,但在過去的幾個星期裡,我已經注意到了未來的光澤回到我的皮膚。這對我來說,使得這款產品成為贏家。 |
14 of 14 people found the following review helpful
Sprite Shower Filter, June 26, 2012
Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: Sprite All Brass High Output Chrome Chlorine Removing Shower Filter (Health and Beauty)
A few years ago I ran a pool water test on the water from my tap and got chlorine level readings that were as high as my pool.
Since then I stopped drinking water directly from my the tap by buying a drinking water filter system that removes chlorine. At that time I did not worry about the shower or bath water effecting me adversely until I had been having issues with dry skin over the last few years and recently suspected that some of it was due to the chlorine levels in the water that I showered in. It was time to see if possibly a change in the water I was bathing in could correct the dry skin issue. I researched and found this filter that seemed to meet the criteria for what I was looking for. I ordered it on Amazon and received it a few days later. Very easy to install BTW. It does change the ergonomics of the shower slightly. Results will vary depending on your shower set-up, but in my situation it is worth the slight change. Also, depending on what you are willing to do, you could make the set-up the same as it was before the installation with a shorter or modified shower elbow. I may do that eventually, but it is not a big issue for me right now. I have used this for just over 4 weeks. I did not notice any appreciable difference right away, but over the last several weeks I have noticed the sheen coming back to my skin. That to me, makes this product a winner.
22 of 27 people found the following review helpful
Quality construction - great choice, March 23, 2011
ah-touk (Boston, MA) - See all my reviews
Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: Sprite All Brass High Output Chrome Chlorine Removing Shower Filter (Health and Beauty)
I don't test my own water, so I can't personally make any claims about its effectiveness, but most independent lab tests I have seen consistently rank two types of filters as the most effective at removing chlorine: Ones that use vitamin C and the patented media used in the Sprite.
Where the Sprite stands head and shoulders above the rest is in its construction. Solid brass is the best material to use on plumbing fixtures, and the Sprite's threaded surfaces fit snugly making a water-tight seal. It's easy to install - I did mine without any tools, just hand tightened everything - and not a drop leaks. Because it is brass, it will not rust and seize up so you can easily open it up to change the filter. The loosely packed filter media does not significantly restrict water flow. I haven't noticed any drop in water pressure in my shower. |